Resources for Families
"Putting Your Loved One First"
Making the decision to move a family member to a care community can be one of the most difficult decisions you will make in a life time! The monumental question we all ask is, "will they take care of my loved one with dignity and respect?"
The Colorado Culture Change Coalition provides education about the characteristics of a person-centered model so that a loved one can determine if a long-term care community operates under this philosophy.This information can help ensure that your spouse, mother, father, relative, or loved one is getting the best quality of life and quality of care.
If you are faced with making the best decision about care for a loved one, we are here to help.
"The Smart Consumer's Guide to Quality Nursing Home & Assisted Living Care," and
"The Smart Consumer's Guide to Quality Hospice,
Home Health, & Home Care"

These brand-new consumer guides are a great tool and resource for family members and consumers to assist you as you are looking for nursing home, assisted living, home health care, home care and hospice services.
In the guides, you will learn what person-centered values are and what key questions to ask. The information here will help you evaluate the answers you hear to find the best place for your or your loved ones!
This guide gives questions to ask of potential service and care providers plus the answers to listen for as you are making decisions.
To receive a FREE digital copy of *both* Smart Consumer's Guides, simply fill out the form to the right with your e-mail address. We will send an e-mail to your inbox within 24 hours, providing you with a link to download the guides!
Determine if your Current Care Community Practices Person-Centered Care
This survey allows you, the family member, to evaluate your care community to determine if your loved one is receiving the best care possible. Please note, this document has been written specifically for "elders", but the concepts apply to people of all ages.
End-of-Life Planning & Resource Guide
If you are faced with making decisions at the end of life, this helpful resource will give you the information you need to choose the best care methods and providers.
Inform, Transform, Inspire: Changing the Culture of Care in Colorado
In a helpful article, CCCC's Executive Director Penny Cook provides a brief and informative explanation person centered care and culture change. The article also provides you with key questions to ask a long-term care provider to determine if the future home of your loved one work to put the resident first.
Project Visibility (Boulder County Area Agency on Aging)
Unique challenges arise in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities when elders enter into long-term care. Often times, LGBT elders often decide to go back into the closet, even after living most of their lives openly and proudly. Project Visibility raises awareness to this issue, and provides resources to long-term care providers, LGBT people, their partners, their families, and friends. Project Visibility also has training for providers on how to interact with GLBT people in their home, often hidden, looking to share this important facet of their life with those that care for them.