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Nursing Homes Innovations Grant Board/Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment

Application opens May, 2021


Nursing Homes Innovations Grant Board/Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment was created by House Bill 09-1196. (C.R.S. §25-1-107.5, et al.) The function of the Board is to promote improved quality of life at nursing facilities through grants that support progressive culture change. Culture change is the common name given to the national movement for reforming older adult services. It is based on person-directed values and practices, where the voices of elders and those working with them are considered and respected. Core person-directed values are choice, dignity, respect, self–determination, and purposeful living. This may be translated into changes in organization practices, physical environments, relationships at all levels, workforce models, and more, leading to better outcomes for older adults.

Terms expire at the pleasure of the Governor. The members of the Board serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred while serving on the accountability board.

State Long-Term Care Ombudsman or designee     


Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing or designee (d)


Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment or designee (d)


3 members currently employed in long-term care nursing facilities (Governor appointed)


1 member who is or represents a consumer of long-term care (Governor appointed)


1 member representing the Disability Community who is either a resident of a nursing facility or a family member of a nursing facility resident (Governor appointed)


1 member respresenting the business community (Governor appointed)

Cindy Webb (d)


Richard Clark (d)



Jo Tansey (d)



Hope Carwile, Stacey Love, and Jenny Matlcok











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